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Information for download in pdf Information material for SA 8000

As only one representative of IQNet Ltd in CR we offer SA8000:2014 Certification

IQNet Ltd has now been accredited by Social Accountability International to offer global social accountability management system certification in compliance with SA8000 standard.

SA8000 is the most prominent internationally recognized benchmark for socially responsible management of human resources.

Organizations aiming for triple bottom sustainability need to suitably address financial, environmental and social aspects and impacts of their business.

SA8000 certification is available through IQNet Ltd expansive network of partners, spanning 50 countries (CQS being the IQNet Ltd Representative for Czech Republic). A pool of more than 25 qualified Auditors, speaking 15 languages, provide efficient global coverage for SA8000 certification.

This marks a new era for both IQNet Ltd, with the Head Office in Bern, Switzerland, directly accredited for SA8000 certification, and for its partners. In collaboration with its partner bodies, IQNet Ltd can now help organizations demonstrate their commitment towards ethically sustainable business environment.

Visit http://www.iqnet-ltd.com/

The SA8000 standard (Social Accountability 8000) is based on the principles of international workplace norms contained within the ILO (International Labour Organization) conventions, UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The fundamental focus of SA8000 is to improve working conditions around the world. This intent has pioneered the way forward for organizations to improve and demonstrate their corporate social responsibility (CSR) in regards to basic human rights in the workplace.

Benefits of SA8000 certification

  • Demonstrated commitment to socially responsible business ethics
  • Protection for your brand
  • Enhanced reputation as a socially responsible corporate citizen
  • Consumer confidence and positive investor perception

SA8000Certification Process

  • Your Preparation
       - Understand SA8000
       - Develop your SA8000 system
       - Implement the SA8000 system
  • Apply through IQNet Ltd (or through CQS)
  • Pre-Visit
  • Certification Audit
  • Achieve Certification
  • Surveillance Audits

Application for certification

Application for certification of the system SA8000 in MS WordApplication for certification of SA 8000


License for using of certification marks SAAS and IQNet Ltd SA8000 customers get for free after successfull certification.

Criteria for using of certification marks SAAS and IQNet Ltd SA8000 in pdf Criteria for using of marks SA 8000

Inquiry form

Company's name
Address (street, postal code, town)
Contact person*
Branch of business
Total number of employees
Number of employees in the certified system
Number of affiliated companies
Certification standard
 ISO 45001
 ISO 9001
 ISO 50001
 ISO 14001
 ISO 27001
 ISO 13485
 ISO 20000-1
 ISO 22000
 ISO 3834-2
 IATF 16949
 ISO 22301
 ISO 17660-1
Status in preparation for certification
 Start of preparation
 Trial operation of the system
Required certification date

Please fill in the text displayed in the picture:

* Thus marked field is required.


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